rupebas morgonkoll den femte januari
Morgonkoll idag den 5/1 handlar bland annat om Stig-Helmers film som delvis utspelas i Frälsningsarmé-miljö. Stefan Swärd skriver med anledning av filmen: "Men trots allt, Frälsningsarmén är ett unikt varumärke, med hög igenkänningsfaktor. Att Evangeliska Frikyrkan skulle hamna i en populärfilm är bara helt osannolikt."
Eftersom det är torsdag har vi också med rubriker från den engelska sidan. Ett inlägg handlar om varför människor lämnar kyrkan och ett annat inlägg om varför människor kommer till kyrkan.
Stig-Helmer och Frälsningsarmén
I Stig-Helmer nya film har Frälsningsarmén fått en framträdande plats sett med komikerns ögon. Här är en recension från Göteborgsposten.
Stefan Swärd har också sett filmen och konstaterar: "Frälsningsarmén var i centrum, eftersom Stig Helmer som ung blev kär i en flicka i Frälsningsarmén, en dotter till en kårledare. Det sprack på grund av att pappa kårledaren satte stopp för förhållandet. Pappa kårledarens Nalenpredikan var väl ingen höjdare, utan en grov karikatyrbild av värsta sorsten frikyrkotradition, som kanske en del äldre personer har stött på en gång i tiden för länge sedan. Kanske även Lasse Åberg, eftersom det får ett så stort inslag i filmen.
Men trots allt, Frälsningsarmén är ett unikt varumärke, med hög igenkänningsfaktor. Att Evangeliska Frikyrkan skulle hamna i en populärfilm är bara helt osannolikt."
Dagen - "När livet kantrade fanns inga vägar kvar - förutom en, den som ledde honom tillbaka till Gud.
Så fort Marcus Birro skriver om Gud får han hundratals mejl. Alla håller inte med, men uppskattar att han vågar skriva om tro.
- Det finns ett stort andligt sökande i Sverige, även om människor inte vill tro det."
In English
2012 Predictions: Persecution Will Increase in US
Prophetic Insight from Charisma - "At the threshold of this New Year, people everywhere are concerned. Escalating political, economic and social unrest have caused many, even believers, to become perplexed and fearful about the future. Jesus warned us that before His return, perilous times would come. But thank God, He has provided a way for us to not only survive but even thrive during even the most difficult of times."
Why people are leaving the church
ReporterNews - "Southern Baptists have become so concerned over the loss of church members and the failure to attract replacements that they are resorting to all means of stopping the bleeding and starting a new onrush of growth that some are considering a change of name, either to remove the name "Southern" because it is too regional, or even the name "Baptist" because it is not inclusive enough.
It is my opinion that the church, not only Baptist, is losing out because it/she is not saying anything to a listening world."
Pentecostal Renewal Transforms Rwanda after Genocide
Christianity Today - "We need to give people [hope] to live today by showing them there is life tomorrow. My auntie died because there was no sense of living again."
The Worship Center Church is one of a multitude of new, independent Pentecostal and charismatic churches throughout Rwanda. Most of them have sprung up since 1994. Recovery from trauma is a central feature of these new fellowships."
Prophetic Insight from Charisma - "At the threshold of this New Year, people everywhere are concerned. Escalating political, economic and social unrest have caused many, even believers, to become perplexed and fearful about the future. Jesus warned us that before His return, perilous times would come. But thank God, He has provided a way for us to not only survive but even thrive during even the most difficult of times."
Why people are leaving the church
ReporterNews - "Southern Baptists have become so concerned over the loss of church members and the failure to attract replacements that they are resorting to all means of stopping the bleeding and starting a new onrush of growth that some are considering a change of name, either to remove the name "Southern" because it is too regional, or even the name "Baptist" because it is not inclusive enough.
It is my opinion that the church, not only Baptist, is losing out because it/she is not saying anything to a listening world."
Pentecostal Renewal Transforms Rwanda after Genocide
Christianity Today - "We need to give people [hope] to live today by showing them there is life tomorrow. My auntie died because there was no sense of living again."
The Worship Center Church is one of a multitude of new, independent Pentecostal and charismatic churches throughout Rwanda. Most of them have sprung up since 1994. Recovery from trauma is a central feature of these new fellowships."
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